Contact Chris

Chris Dixon
Contact me through my Ghost Wave book page on facebook.
Reach me through my web portfolio.
Want to write about Ghost Wave or interview Chris Dixon? Contact:
April Whitney, Publicity
For Ghost Wave marketing opportunities contact:
Albee Dalbotten, Marketing

Praise for Ghost Wave

"Ghost Wave takes us to a place of almost mythic power and tells a story that unfolds like a long ride
on a killer wave. I can't imagine doing what those surfers are doing out there on Cortes Bank--and
I can't imagine a finer book about them. This is a beautifully researched and compellingly written
book. I read it straight through from the first page. Terrifying."
-Sebastian Junger, author of The Perfect Storm
"Mystery shrouded, invisible from shore, riddled with hazards real and imagined, the Cortes Bank is a
sort of Rubicon. Only a handful of surfers have crossed to the other side. In Ghost Wave, Chris Dixon
traces the Bank's maritime history, the fanciful civilization of Abalonia, and the absolute madmen who
chase shifting peaks in the open ocean."
-Scott Hulet, editor, The Surfer's Journal
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